by artkenya | Jul 6, 2022 | Blog
RENDILLE | East Turkana On its 12-day tour to East Turkana TEKWA visits Koobi Fora and Illeret, places which are very remote, close to the Ethiopian border. Very few tourists find their way up there. Koobi Fora is the old research station of Richard and Meave Leakey,...
by artkenya | Jul 6, 2022 | Blog
KOOBI FORA AND ILLERET | East Turkana On its 12-day tour to East Turkana TEKWA visits Koobi Fora and Illeret, places which are very remote, close to the Ethiopian border. Very few tourists find their way up there. Koobi Fora is the old research station of Richard and...
by artkenya | Jul 6, 2022 | Blog
Eliye Springs | East Turkana On our December tour we explored new territory and crossed Lake Turkana to the Western side, where we stayed at Eliye Springs Lodge, owned by our old friend Rolf Gloor. The boat ride in Rolfs speed boat took about 1 hour and was great...
by artkenya | Jul 6, 2022 | Blog
EL MOLO | East Turkana Loiyangalani is a multi-ethnic little town of 30,000 inhabitants. Being an oasis with a reliable source it hardly ever suffers from lack of water. And it seems to be spared by the rains as in January, when we met with heavy downpours all over...
by artkenya | Jul 6, 2022 | Blog
Loiyangalani | East Turkana Loiyangalani is a multi-ethnic little town of 30,000 inhabitants. Being an oasis with a reliable source it hardly ever suffers from lack of water. And it seems to be spared by the rains as in January, when we met with heavy downpours all...